G-1Q07VLPB62 3 Day Super Event: ChatGPT + Dialogflow + Conversational UX
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Hackathon +Chatbot


3 Certified Workshops, Open Forum & Hackathon

Build Super Powerful AI Bots
In our 3 Certified Workshops, you will be creating a Super Powerful Chatbot that leverages both an LLM and Dialogflow!
Drawing on a Board


Design your Conversational AI Project 

Conversational UX Certified Workshop

Day 1: June 13, 2023



Bard, ChatGPT & NLU

ChatGPT, BARD  Certified Workshop

Day 2: June 14, 2023



Build your Bot in our Full Day Hackathon

Dailogflow NLU Certified Workshop

Day 3: June 15, 2023

Each Day Features and Overview Talk, Expert lead Sessions, Open Forum & Hands-on Workshops

Session Leaders & Instructors

Why you need to Attend?

Huge Market advantage to have AI implemented ahead of competitors
AI & LLMs are leveling the playing field and you have a big market opportunity.
Design & Engineering jobs are changing very quickly
Enterprises Need to have an AI & LLM Strategy
This also means that smaller players with AI can compete with you.
LLMs have revolutionizes code development.
Chatbots & AI are Must Haves
If you don't implement AI you will fall behind quickly.
LLMs have completely changed Conversational UX
Save Time: Vet tools and teams in 3 days instead of 3-6 months.
Save Time: Build a bot for your business in just 3 days.
There is a big opportunity in Prompt Engineering & Knowledge Bases
Save Money: Vetting software vendors costs thousands per employee.
Save Money: This is 10x cheaper than hiring a consultant for 3 days.
Save Time & Money: Get 3 Certifications in 3 Days.
Building with Founders: In 3 Days your team can vet top AI products, talk to founding teams, and make informative decisions that will save you time and money.
Building with Founders: In 3 Days you can build a Chatbot Powered by a LLM and you knowledge base and offer unique value to your customers.
Build a Chatbot powered by LLMs in our workshop and show it off to your team.

We feature speakers from Top Enterprises & Brands like Google, Salesforce, Amazon, Walmart, Intuit, 1-800 Flowers & many more. 

THE Project
ChatGPT + Conversatioan UX + Dailogflow

Your Project
In the workshops, we will be building a Super Powerful Chatbot that leverages both Dialogflow & ChatGPT. This will be a FAQ Bot that can also take actions and get things done for users!
Conversational UX
By understanding the strengths & limits of ChatGPT and Dialogflow, we can design a Super Powerful Chatbot in just 3 days!
Dialogflow & NLU Development
For all of the things that ChatGPT can't do, like following up with your customers, we will implement Dialogflow.
ChatGPT Design & API
You will be leveraging the power of ChatGPT using their API! ChatGPT can use your website FAQs or another data source to answer questions, speeding up the process dramatically!
3 Certifications in 3 Days
By the end of the 3 Days, you'll have a Chatbot that can answer most FAQ questions and you will be Certified in the latest tech!
Hackathon & Prizes
We automatically review your project and the best Bot(s) will WIN the 'Chatathon' of 2023. Winners will be announced in August.

Project & Certificate Workshops

Day 1: Conversational UX Workshop

Day 2: ChatGPT, BARD & NLU Workshop

Day 3: Chatathon Day

9:00 am: Daily Overview

9:20 am: ChatGPT & Bard Talk 

--- Understanding LLMs ---

10:00 am: Business use case overview 

11:00 am: Prompt Engineering


12:00 pm: Lunch break

--- Creating Chatbots---


1:00 pm: Your Knowledge Base

2:00 pm: Creating your AI Agent


3:00 pm: Setting up Intents & Actions

4:00 PM: Launching Botcopy on your Site!

9:00 am: Daily Overview

--- Building your Bot Live ---

9:40 am: The Future of Building Bots using LLMs & NLU

10:00 am: Hackathon Starts

12:00 pm: Lunch break

--- Build & Launch your Bot ---

1:00 pm: Hackathon with Live Support

2:00 pm: Hackathon with Live Support

3:00 pm: Hackathon with Live Support

4:00 pm: Luanch & Apply for Certifications

9:00 am: Introduction 

9:20 am: Expert Lead Open Forum

---- The Fundamentals ---

10:00 am: The bot building workflow and how it has evolved

11:00 am: NLUs vs LLMs


12:00 pm: Fundamentals of Voiceflow's canvas

--- Building & Going Live ---


1:00 pm: Creating a knowledge base

2:00 pm:  Designing with LLMs: generative tasks, no matches, prompt chaining


3:00 pm: Setting and tuning assistant personas

4:00 PM: Launching your Assistant

Our Workshops are both LIVE and after the Chatathon, you will have on-demand access. Students who take the workshop(s), can earn a Certification in ChatGPT/Bard, NLP/NLU, and a Certification in Conversational UX.

Your Project can be automatically submitted to the Hackathon and Winners will be announced in August.

Our Attendees


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